PITEIB Homeowners' Communities

General Summary

This public call focuses on promoting the installation of photovoltaic self-consumption systems, with or without electrical storage, and energy efficiency measures in homeowners' communities within the Balearic Islands. It is part of the Investment Plan for the Energy Transition, supported by the European Union's Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan, aiming to increase renewable energy generation, reduce energy consumption, and CO2 emissions.

Submission Period

Applications can be submitted from January 15, 2024, to July 15, 2024, subject to the budget availability allocated for the call.


Homeowners' communities in the Balearic Islands are eligible for these grants, including those with members who conduct economic activities. The aids will be adjusted to the limits set by European regulations, ensuring that the total de minimis aids do not exceed 200,000 euros in a three-year fiscal period.

Eligible Actions

New photovoltaic installations of up to 100 kWp, storage systems up to 100 kWh, improvements in the energy efficiency of lighting, and in pressure equipment for water supply are eligible. These actions should aim at energy self-sufficiency and a significant reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Amount of Aid

The call has a maximum budget of 8 million euros for the years 2024 and 2025. The aid for photovoltaic installations varies according to power, with a base module of 710 euros/kWp for installations up to 10 kWp and 535 euros/kWp for installations up to 100 kWp. Storage systems can receive up to 490 euros/kWh for capacities up to 10 kWh and 350 euros/kWh for larger capacities. Actions in energy efficiency in lighting and pressure equipment can receive up to 60% and 70% of the eligible cost, respectively, with a combined maximum limit of 200,000 euros.
