Bienvenido a UEP Solar

Privacy Policy

The provision of services and rates available through UEP Solar on this website are subject to the following terms of use.
Please keep them in mind when visiting our website. UEP Solar reserves the right to change these terms of use and services mentioned on its website without prior notice.


UEP Solar strives to ensure that the information appearing on this website is correct and up-to-date. However, errors or omissions cannot be ruled out, so users should not consider the information accurate without first verifying its accuracy directly with UEP Solar.

None of the contents of this website should be considered as a statement or an indisputable fact, nor do they have contractual value. UEP Solar cannot control how users use the information or tools offered to them from the website, and therefore will not be responsible for any type of damage or harm, whether direct or indirect, that may arise from or be connected with the use of such information or tools. In no case will the rights that consumers are legally entitled to as customers of UEP Solar be affected.


All content on this website is owned by UEP Solar. UEP Solar allows the use, reproduction, and distribution of its website content, provided it has prior written authorization from UEP Solar and complies with the following conditions:

Any total or partial copy of the UEP Solar website must include the copyright notice of UEP Solar© UEP Solar. All rights reserved.

In the case of use, reproduction, and distribution of content owned by third parties that appear on this website, the copyright symbol of such persons must appear in all reproductions. Modifications to the content may not be made except with prior authorization from UEP Solar. It may only be used for informational purposes.
Its use for commercial purposes or for its distribution, public communication, transformation, or decompilation is prohibited.
No image or graphic available on the UEP Solar website may be used separately from the rest of the images that accompany it or the corresponding text, as applicable.

The content of the UEP Solar website may not be distributed or published alongside information that promotes:

  • Pornography and/or prostitution.
  • Child exploitation.
  • Racism.
  • Terrorism.
  • Any other illegal content.

UEP Solar reserves the right to revoke the authorization to use the content of its website at any time. In such a case, all use must be stopped. UEP Solar is not responsible for third-party information next to which part of the content of its website has been added. The product names appearing on this website may be trademarks of their respective companies.


UEP Solar cannot review or has not reviewed all websites linked to this one, so it is not responsible for their content. The risks derived from consulting such websites are exclusively the responsibility of the users, who must abide by the terms and conditions of use of the same.


Any content or information directed to this website by any means will be considered non-confidential and public in nature, so they may be disseminated, archived, or used by UEP Solar for any purpose, including the development, manufacturing, and marketing of its products.
Do not direct to this website or from it any illegal, threatening, defamatory, slanderous, injurious, obscene, scandalous, provocative, pornographic, irreverent, or any other content or information that may give rise to civil or criminal liability in the territory to which this website refers.


See UEP Solar's Privacy Policy regarding the processing of personal data by UEP Solar by visiting our DATA POLICY section.


The software that can be purchased and downloaded from this website is the intellectual property of UEP Solar. The use of such software is regulated by the terms set forth in the License Agreement that accompanies it. The download or installation of any Software is not permitted if the terms specified in the License Agreement are not accepted.


The services provided through this website by UEP Solar may not be used for illegal purposes or those not permitted by this legal notice. It is forbidden to interfere with the use of UEP Solar's services by third parties, as well as to cause any damage to UEP Solar's servers or to the networks connected to them.

C/ del Reial Patrimoni 16, PB, B
07014 - Palma - Baleares


The information presented on this website is displayed for purely informative and advisory purposes. UEP Solar does everything possible to ensure that all the information reflected on its website is as accurate as possible. UEP Solar reserves the right to make modifications it deems appropriate to the website, and may modify, delete, and include, unilaterally and without prior notice, new content and/or services, as well as the way they are presented and located. Similarly, the user accepts that UEP Solar reserves the right to modify and periodically update these terms of use, as well as the specific conditions of each service, including their free or paid nature. Unless otherwise stated, the introduction of any feature that modifies the current services and/or the introduction of new services will be subject to these terms of use.


Contents: The data, texts, information, images, or sounds published on the website are displayed for purely informative effects for all those interested in them, without their access generating a commercial, contractual, or professional relationship between the users and UEP Solar.
In case of discrepancy between the information contained on the website and that contained on paper, the latter shall prevail. Users are advised that before undertaking any action derived from the content of the website, they should verify the information obtained by contacting through the email address UEP Solar accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the contents, nor for any damages of any kind that may arise from errors or omissions in the information contained on these pages.

  • Availability and continuity: UEP Solar excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by our legal system, any liability for damages of any nature caused by the lack of availability or continuity of access to the website and its services. Access to the information and services provided by this website is, in principle, of indefinite duration. However, UEP Solar may terminate or suspend access to its website at any time.
  • Virus and malicious codes: UEP Solar excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by our legal system, any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the presence of viruses or other malicious codes in the contents that may cause any type of damage to the computer system, electronic documents, or files of users.
  • Linking: UEP Solar excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by our legal system, any liability for damages of any nature caused to users by the use of technical linking devices (links), directories, and search tools, which allow users to access websites belonging to and/or managed by third parties.
  • Illicit use: UEP Solar is not responsible for the non-compliance with any applicable regulation that the user may incur in accessing the website and/or using the information contained in it. It is also not responsible for the illegal use that third parties may make of trade names, trademarks, or other distinctive signs that, not being the property of UEP Solar, appear on the website.


UEP Solar may or may not maintain active advertising campaigns for the promotion of its products and services. All campaigns carried out in online environments or other types of environments refer to this website. The advertising campaigns strictly respect the profession, the colleagues who integrate it, and comply with the Code of the General Statute of the Spanish Bar Association corresponding to each specialty, the Law of Unfair Competition, and the General Law of Advertising.

Notifications: All notifications or communications made by users to UEP Solar will be considered effective, for all purposes, when they are directed by any of the following methods, accrediting identity:

  • By postal mail to the following address: C/ del Reial Patrimoni 16, PB, B, 07014 - Palma - Balearic Islands
  • By sending an email to the email address:

Similarly, all notifications made by UEP Solar to the user will be considered effective, for all purposes, when they are made by any of the following methods:

  • By postal mail to the address that the user has previously informed UEP Solar of
  • By telephone call or fax to the number that the user has previously informed UEP Solar of
  • By sending an email to the email address that the user has previously informed UEP Solar of
  • Therefore, for these notifications to be effective, it is necessary for the user to declare that all the data provided by him are true and current, committing to notify any modification of the same.


The legislation applicable to this Legal Notice will be Spanish legislation, and the competent jurisdiction to hear any claims that this website may raise will be that of the Courts and Tribunals of Palma de Mallorca.
